
For over 40 years The Yuma Art Symposium has remained true to our original vision of sharing quality art discussion and education across creative disciplines in an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun. This simple premise has created an enduring cross generational network of artists from around the country. Your support is a vital part of keeping this event accessible and affordable for all.

Keep the Fire Burning


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Your support is a vital part of keeping this event accessible and affordable for all.


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Your contribution is appreciated.

Your contribution is appreciated.

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Yuma Art Symposium is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Student Lodging

Travel and lodging expenses are one of the greatest barriers to student participation. 500.00 will provide three nights of lodging for 2 work study students.



Host a Presenter

4,000 thousand dollars covers the travel and lodging cost for a single presenter.

